Which factors affect your love marriage in Indian astrology?

We all know that marriage holds a very eminent place in our culture as well as in our society. It becomes even more special when it is done for the sake of love. In our society love marriages not only breaks the conventions underlying marriages by bringing together individuals from the two different communities but it also promotes happy and successful marriages. In the marriage life we all are always eager to know more about the marriage as well as about the future partnership. Basically there is a way with the help of which you can accurately know about your marriage as well as about your love story.
In the Indian astrology there are various factors that affect your love marriage. But with the help of the love marriage astrology one can able to know about their marriage. Not only about marriage but it also help you to know about the marriage, partnership or companionship. Here we are providing list of the factors in the Indian astrology that affects your love marriage.
Transit of Planets
There are several ways by which world famous astrologer is able to check on the marriage of an individual and also about various things. It helps to check about the transit of the Jupiter and Saturn is important. It is necessary to know because planets have a direct impact on the 7th house that is the house of the marriage and good official life. We all know that with the 7th house we can able to determine the married life of the person. It is necessary to analyze the dasha and the antardasha of the planets that are influencing the seventh house. It is also helpful to know about the obstacles in the marriage and even help you to know about how to fix them all easily
If both the parameters are good to go then it is also important to analyze the jaimini angle. This is another way to check all the details about the marriage and the compatibility with the partner. This can give you a lot of other information about marriages such as 20 in married life and other details. You must consult a famous astrologer in world for knowing more about it.

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